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Code Red Part 2: Free LIve Webinar!

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Thank you to everyone who joined our recent live webinar, Code Red: How to Help in a Meltdown, where we discussed why tantrums happen and the five key rules for managing those tricky moments.

It was great to get some practical and creative ideas and suggestions from the attendees and some lovely feedback on the event. It is clear to us at Toddler-Talk that a follow-up webinar would be supportive for all parents and early childcare professionals.

Code Red Part 2 is now scheduled for April the 28th, 2022. Go to to register now. It's free!

Don’t worry if you missed Part 1. You can still attend Part 2. The information will be supportive and relevant for managing Toddler Tantrums.

In the second of our Toddler-Tantrum toolkit workshop series Code Red Part 2;

We will recap on:

The differences between a meltdown and rumbling signs

How to identify the rumbling stage signs

Top strategies to use in the rumbling stages

The 5 key rules to follow during a meltdown

We will talk more about:

Preparing for tricky transitions

Non-verbal ways to communicate during the rumbling stages

How to model and prompt good choices

The power of positive reinforcement

#webinar #toddlertantrum #tantrumtips #child #development #positivereinforcement #toddlertalk