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Use the Elf Wisely this Christmas!

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The Positive Elf Effect!

Usually when we think of Christmas elves, we think about mischievous happy little creatures helping Santa to make presents for all the children who stay good for their parents in the run up to Christmas. However, if we have bought in to the elf on the shelf phenomenon this Christmas,we might now be thinking of the elf as a live-in spy for Santa,reporting on all the bad behaviour that's going on around the house. If the elf is on the shelf somewhere in your house this Christmas, please, please please  remember that "We don't have to make children feel bad, to help them be good"

Christmas Letter

If you are using the elf on the shelf this Christmas to elicit some positive behaviour around the house, be sure that the elf is sending happy messages to Santa about all the kind and "good" stuff that's happening in your home. As a parent, do remember that wherever you shine your light (i.e whatever you attend do)  is what you will see more of. Maybe you can shed some extra light on children this Christmas by recruiting the elf to be the messenger of all things kind, helpful and thoughtful that your children are doing around the house. Catch your children doing the good stuff and for extra bonus points, you could encourage your child to send notes to Santa about their happy, kind, and thoughtful moments. Writing can take the form of little sketches, marks on a page or on a post-it that can easily be gathered and posted into in a little “Messages for Santa” box.You will also be promoting early writing skills; so even more bang for your buck. 

Christmas Elf

Be very careful not to shame children into being "good" for the sake of some extra presents at Christmas. Help them by shining a light on all the wonderfulness that they demonstrate to us daily and take this opportunity to amplify all the "good" stuff  by letting Santa know this too. The elf can be your ally on the shelf to spread the good news as opposed to the spy in the house spreading bad messages to the big grey-haired man in the red suit in the North.